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Techniques and Lesion Subsets Learning Series

Venous Disease Intervention


Endovascular >
Venous Disease Intervention


My Best DVT Case of the Year

My Best DVT Case of the Year

12 min.

Case 3: High Risk Intermediate PE With Iliocaval DVT

Case 3: High Risk Intermediate PE With Iliocaval DVT

33 min.

Emerging Technologies in Venous Therapies

Emerging Technologies in Venous Therapies

17 min.

How to Deal With the Acute on Chronic DVT Patient

How to Deal With the Acute on Chronic DVT Patient

9 min.

Difficult IVC Filter Retrievals

Difficult IVC Filter Retrievals

20 min.

Iliocaval Reconstruction: From Preplanning to Execution

Iliocaval Reconstruction: From Preplanning to Execution

8 min.

Ileofemoral Venous Obstruction: Role of Modern Stent Technology in Both the Acute and Chronic Patient

Ileofemoral Venous Obstruction: Role of Modern Stent Technology in Both the Acute and Chronic Patient

9 min.

Role of Intravascular Imaging in Venous Procedures

Role of Intravascular Imaging in Venous Procedures

9 min.

Acute DVT: What to Do When Iliocaval Stents Fail

Acute DVT: What to Do When Iliocaval Stents Fail

17 min.

Long-term Management of  DVTs for the Interventional Cardiologist

Long-term Management of DVTs for the Interventional Cardiologist

10 min.

Thrombolysis for Acute DVTs

Thrombolysis for Acute DVTs

17 min.

Aspiration for Acute DVTs (e.g., Penumbra)

Aspiration for Acute DVTs (e.g., Penumbra)

8 min.

Mechanical Extraction for Acute DVTs (e.g., ClotTriever)

Mechanical Extraction for Acute DVTs (e.g., ClotTriever)

8 min.

Acute DVT: Case Presentation

Acute DVT: Case Presentation

21 min.

How Do I Choose DVTs to Intervene Upon?

How Do I Choose DVTs to Intervene Upon?

6 min.

Iliocaval Stenting and Reconstructions With Extreme Case Examples

Iliocaval Stenting and Reconstructions With Extreme Case Examples

12 min.

Deep Venous Disease and Optimal DVT Intervention: State-of-the-Art Stenting, Valves, Imaging, and Future Directions

Deep Venous Disease and Optimal DVT Intervention: State-of-the-Art Stenting, Valves, Imaging, and Future Directions

22 min.

Case 3: Post-Partum May-Thurner Acute DVT

Case 3: Post-Partum May-Thurner Acute DVT

3 min.

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